More licensing for Enfield landlords

September 2020 saw the introduction of Additional Licensing in Enfield where landlords had to apply for licenses for any properties shared by three or more people from two or more households – basically three or four unrelated people (because with 5 or more unrelated people and the property requires an HMO license).

This scheme is underway but I’d be very surprised if there aren’t a high number of properties yet to be licensed because I keep running in to landlords who are completely unaware of the scheme.

Today, I received an update regarding the introduction of Selective Licensing. In this scheme landlords will be required to apply for licenses for properties occupied by single families or two people sharing. To receive a license the property will need to meet certain fire and safety requirements, these are yet to be confirmed.

The plan is for this scheme to be applied in 14 wards across Enfield:

Edmonton Green
Enfield Highway
Enfield Lock
Lower Edmonton
Palmers Green
Ponders End
Southgate Green
Turkey Street
Upper Edmonton

For more information please contact the Council and refer to the Selective Licensing pages on their website

Further information regarding the Belvoir Enfield estate agent services

Further information about the Belvoir Enfield letting agent services

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