Why would some MP's vote against a bill requiring smoke alarms to be fitted in all privately-rented homes ?

Update October 2015:

  • This is now law from the 1st October
  • A property must have a smoke alarm on each habitable floor. it can be battery operated and does not have to be mains wired.
  • A property must have a carbon monoxide alarm where there are solid fuel burning appliances i.e log burners and open fires. Not where Gas boilers are fitted but we do recommend they are. it can be battery operated and does not have to be mains wired.date October 2015:

An update can be found here New legislation for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms announced – March 2015

Eight MPs voted against the bill put forward by Labour’s former fire minister Nick Raynsford in Parliament last week who condemned Mr Raynsford’s Bill for being too intrusive. !

But the Commons voted massively in favour of the Bill, after hearing that 2.5 million houses are not protected by a smoke detector and in total, 245 MPs backed the motion.

Why would anyone vote against a proposal to fit a £5 smoke alarm that would save lives? We always tell landlords to install smoke alarms and if none is fitted we will fit them ourselves.

The Bill’s Second Reading is scheduled for next month – but it is only likely to proceed into law if the Government gives it its full backing

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