What did you miss by not attending the Luton PIN (Property Investors Network) meeting in June?

Luton PIN celebrated it’s first anniversary this June and has continued to attract 40-50 new and experienced landlords/property investors to every meeting who learn from the guest speakers and from each other during the networking breaks before, during and after the meeting..

Our first main speaker, Rupal Patel, gave it to us straight about the challenges we don’t often about in the glamorous world of property investing. They talked us through a few case studies from their properties in Reading and Bracknell that proved that no problem is too big if your reason why is even bigger. The audience left the evening with lots of practical tips on how to source properties and how to make great deals out of mediocre ones.

The second speaker, Martin Rapley, on getting the most out of a first viewing, will have been useful to just about everyone at the meeting. He went through some of the typical things that we see when viewing properties and helped us to understand what was needed to repair them. He also had some great tips and advice to keep the costs down when carrying out repairs and refurbishments. Martin provides Project Management and general advice on property refurbishment and repair.

FREE invitation to Luton PIN (Property Investors Network)

If you want to learn from experienced property investors and meet other new and experienced property investors or receive help and advice on how to maximise the return on your investments below is the information to register.

If it is your first time attending a PIN meeting you can use the code below for FREE entry

  • Click on this link: http://bit.ly/1l09shR
  • Click “Book using a voucher code”
  • Insert you contact details
  • Enter “belvoirluton” into voucher code box and click apply voucher button
  • Click, “Click Here to book your place now” – An email confirmation will be sent to you
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