What did you miss by not attending the Luton PIN (Property Investors Network) meeting in July?

Sixty five people booked into the last Luton pin meeting before the holiday break to be inspired by Anthony Robbins coach, Debbie Williams, and her highly focused strategy that reached financial freedom in a just two years though professional HMOs.

Members took away many practical nuggets to achieve their own personal freedom by understanding why and how to take massive action.

As a professional speaker, mentor, trainer and coach, Debbie offered 30 minutes of her coaching time for free to help you to get started*, and accelerate your road to success.

We also had Neil Ward discussing how to Quadruple your Success with Landlords, Investors or Agents through Powerful Negotiations

The next Luton Pin meeting is on Tuesday 22nd Sept with speakers Sharon Bailey on “Having the right Insurance” and Linda Wright, PlanitWright, on “The ABCs of Planning”.

FREE invitation to Luton PIN (Property Investors Network)

If you want to learn from experienced property investors and meet other new and experienced property investors or receive help and advice on how to maximise the return on your investments below is the information to register.

If it is your first time attending a PIN meeting you can use the code below for FREE entry

  • Click on this link: http://bit.ly/1l09shR
  • Click “Book using a voucher code”
  • Insert you contact details
  • Enter “belvoirluton” into voucher code box and click apply voucher button
  • Click, “Click Here to book your place now” – An email confirmation will be sent to you
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