Mr Landlord will you comply with the new regulations from 1st October ?

Talking about Section 21 notices is likely to send most people to sleep so apart from ensuring readers and landlords are aware that there are very important changes that they can read by selecting this link I feel there has been enough discussion and confusion without me adding to it. Section 21

The new regulations regarding smoke alarms in rental properties and unfortunately in a small capacity carbon monoxide detectors should be welcomed if only the requirement to install carbon monoxide alarms was more widespread.

The regulations are fairly simple although there is still confusion regarding existing tenancies and whether there is a grace period.

There are plenty of articles to read on the internet to confuse things even further but we would recommend landlords presume these regulations cover all properties from 1st October.

  • Make sure all your properties are fitted with working smoke alarms, on any floor that’s used fully, or partly, as living accommodation
  • Make sure you fit working carbon monoxide detectors on every floor of your property that has a solid fuel burning appliance (such as a coal fire, Aga or log burner)
  • Make sure you test all smoke/carbon monoxide alarms are working at the beginning of every new tenancy, from 1st October onwards
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