Luton Property Investors Network (PIN) Meeting - Tuesday 24th November

FREE invite to this popular meeting of new and experienced landlords. Last one before Christmas !

At this months meeting we have:

Trevor Cutmore who will explain how to gain a general understanding on how a number of ‘No Money down’ strategies that work by using some simple steps to follow to test if you have a potential Lease Option, Deal Package, Assisted Sale or JV Vendor Finance deal in front of you.  Knowing these simple steps can help you convert a higher percentage of viewings and more income.  You will be given simple techniques and scripts (on screen) to follow to get you to the first stage.

Also Andy Gwynn. LinkedIn is probably the MOST UNDER-UTILISED marketing tool in today’s Business world. LinkedIn allows you to easily connect with your ideal prospects, form relationships and develop conversations and sales. All of this WITHOUT  any cold calling! You can get to your prospective decision maker quicker than with any other marketing strategy and WITHOUT talking to “The Gatekeeper”!

Learn how to:

  • Build your perfect profile
  • Build the right network of contacts
  • Create and develop better opportunities
  • Generate more leads
  • Get a better return on your marketing

Of course there will also be the usual great networking and opportunities to meet and share ideas with like-minded property people, both before the meeting starts when we serve coffee from 6pm, and then again during the break and after the meeting in the bar. So bring along plenty of business cards and arrive early so you not only get the best seat, but also have more time to meet the best people! 

If it is your first time attending a PIN meeting you can use the code below for FREE entry

 Click on this link: Luton PIN

Click “Book using a voucher code”

Insert you contact details

Enter “belvoirluton” into voucher code box and click apply voucher button

Click, “Click Here to book your place now” – An email confirmation will be sent to you

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