Has the government made a mistake with their new requirement for Carbon Monoxide alarms in rental properties?

In March the government announced a new requirement from 1st October this year for all rental properties to have a smoke alarm fitted on each level and a carbon monoxide alarm fitted in rooms that contain a ‘solid fuel appliance’.

We always insist on at least one smoke alarm being fitted to properties we rent out even though there was no legal requirement and we welcome the announcement that it will be a legal requirement for a smoke alarm to be fitted on each level.

However the requirement for Carbon Monoxide Detectors isn’t as first thought as currently it only covers properties with a ‘Solid Fuel Appliance’ which are open fires that burn wood and coal or log burners. Initially it was believed that the requirement was going to cover properties with gas boilers and gas fires which would surely be the most serious risk that required legislation.

We are still 2 months away from the date that the new requirements come into force and the Government has yet to clarify the position so maybe there is hope yet that they will amend the wording to make is a requirement for all properties that have a gas supply to also have a carbon monoxide detector fitted.

We would encourage the government to take this opportunity to insist on at least one carbon monoxide alarm being installed in properties with solid fuel heating/appliances or gas fires/boilers.

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