From April 2018 no F & G EPC rated properties can be rented but help is available to prepare for this.

At the Central Bedfordshire Council Private Landlords Forum held on Wednesday evening two items discussed were the Energy Act 2011 which is important for Landlords as it deals with F or G rated properties and the new Green Deal Home Improvement Fund for Landlords

The Energy Act 2011 – minimum energy standards for LandlordsThe Energy Act 2011 contains a number of provisions which will affect owners and occupiers of property. Probably most significant are the proposed minimum energy standards.

From April 2018, the proposed legislative changes would make it unlawful to let residential or commercial properties with an EPC Rating of F or G (i.e. the lowest 2 grades of energy efficiency).

This could have very significant implications for landlords who are encouraged to take advantage of discounted offers such as Green Deal Home Improvement Fund.

New grants for Landlords to make their properties warmer and cheaper to heat.

The Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF) is a new incentive scheme open to landlords in England and Wales who want to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. There are different finance options available including up to £1000.00 off a new gas boiler, fan assisted storage heaters, wall/floor/loft insulation, double / triple glazing, insulated external doors or up to £6000.00 off solid wall insulation for older properties.

Landlords will not be tied to the green deal and it’s associated complications and can choose to privately finance measures themselves and claim back the cash from the government.

The next Landlords Forum held by Central Bedfordshire Council will be in Dunstable in December.

If you would like to be notified when it is on, email

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