FREE invitation to the March Luton Property Investors Meeting ( PIN ). Along with other new investors learn from experienced landlord investors.

At this months PIN (Property Investors Meeting) a local property investor will explain how to use other people’s money to create a portfolio, Kevin Whelan will explain how you can get “All the money you could ever need for all the property you would ever want” and Neil Deshpande will be running a ‘Deal Clinic’ to help with any current tricky deals you have.

Start your property investing success by attending the March PIN meeting for FREE if it is your first time by emailing and join other experienced and new landlords looking for help and advice. For more information on PIN follow this link Luton PIN

At this months meeting on Tuesday 24th March we will have Sue Whittle, local property investor explaining how she uses other people’s money to create a portfolio with a difference.

In addition to our usual Lettings and Mortgage Updates, we will have as our main speaker, Kevin Whelan of WealthBuilders Together Ltd explaining how you can get “All the money you could ever need for all the property you would ever want”. 

PLUS WE HAVE A NEW DEAL CLINIC – Neil Deshpande will run a deal clinic prior to the meeting at 6:15pm. Entry is free – just bring the details of your latest deal or tricky deal and we’ll help you through it.

“All the money you could ever need for all the property you would ever want” – Kevin Whelan

The Budget changed everything as far as pensions and property are concerned. Never before has there been such a tsunami of opportunity flowing towards property professionals who know how to get investors excited about pensions and joint ventures.

The purpose of this presentation is to show you how to get access to all the capital you will ever need to develop your own flourishing property business.

To achieve this aim, Kevin will: 

  • Share his comprehensive blueprint for creating complete financial independence
  • Reveal the 7 sources of capital every Property Professional should know
  • Explain how you can use your pension to acquire property
  • Show the hidden win-win in other people’s pensions
  • Build the confidence to attract Joint Venture partners
  • Share his formula for ensuring the success of any Property JV.

Kevin has arranged over 100 Property Joint Ventures so is arguably the UK’s leading expert in this. In addition, his firm manages over £100 million of funds and has a track record in lending money to Property Professionals.

Kevin is a straight talking, fast-thinking Geordie and he is always on the look-out for great deals. Instead of being tempted to hit the “Yawn” button when you hear the word “Pensions”, Kevin will encourage you to get out of your comfort zone to discover this hidden source of capital.

Sue Whittle “My story“

How I use other people’s money to create a portfolio with a difference” 

All property investors know that to get a portfolio up and running you need money.  Often we start with our own but what do you do when you run out?  At this pin evening meeting, Sue will share with you her journey to financial freedom and how she is now using other people’s money, in her case specifically – accessing untapped resources through simple loans from individuals, to create a win/win/win situation. In this session she will cover:

  • The types of people who invest in her and their motivation
  • The various ways in which she structures deals
  • Returns offered 

How she uses the money to:

a) create cashflow and investment income and

b) help others

By the end of the night you will understand how you might put into practice some of the same strategies to do more property deals.

Start your property investing success by attending the March PIN meeting for FREE if it is your first time by emailing and join other experienced and new landlords looking for help and advice. For more information on PIN follow this link Luton PIN

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