Confidence among buy-to-let landlords has nearly returned to pre-recession levels

Recent research shows that 39% of tenants are committed to renting and only one quarter are planning to buy a property

Confidence among buy-to-let landlords has nearly returned to pre-recession levels and they are committed to renting for the long term

According to the recent BDRC Continental Landlord Panel research for the third quarter, 68 per cent of rental property owners are optimistic about the future – the highest figure recorded since 2007, and almost one quarter of Landlords (23%) are actively looking to expand their letting portfolio. Only 7% plan to sell their rental property in the next 12 months.

BDRC are the UK’s largest independent research consultancy. It tracks the experience of a large sample of members of the National Landlord Association (NLA), providing a statistically significant overview of the rental market over six months

The report claimed positivity surrounding capital gains and the economic recovery in general are the primary factors behind this and increased confidence in the UK property market means more people now view buy-to-let as a long-term investment.

The vast majority of tenants in the study – 91% – said that their rented property was their ‘home’ rather than a temporary roof over their heads and the average tenant’s stay in a rented property is now two and a half years. Three quarters (75%) of tenants have been renting privately for over four years – and 41% of those have been in the same property for the entire time. At an average of three years for the retired and 2.8 years for families, these are the tenants who stay in rented properties the longest.

If you are considering a Buy to Let investment and would like some
advice please call into our Dunstable branch at 18 Church St where we would be only to pleased to help you.

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