After the holidays when you are looking to start or restart your property investment journey join us at Luton Property Investors Network (Luton PIN). There is a FREE invitation available for your first visit.

When the holiday season has finished and you are looking for your next investment opportunity, property is likely to come to mind. For advice and a wealth of knowledge from other landlords and investors this FREE invitation (at the bottom) to the Luton Property Investors Network could give you access to the help and advice you need.

At Septembers meeting on Tuesday 27th September Ben Hollingsworth will explain how to build relationships with agents for better deals and Kevin Whelan will explain how you can access all the money you could ever need for all the property you would ever want.

Kevin Whelan will:

  • Share his comprehensive blueprint for creating complete financial independence
  • Reveal the 7 sources of capital every Property Professional should know
  • Explain how you can use your pension to acquire property
  • Show the hidden win-win in other people’s pensions
  • Build the confidence to attract Joint Venture partners 
  • Share his formula for ensuring the success of any Property JV.  

Do you know anyone that would like to get better deals from agents? Ben Hollingsworth aims to deliver a content rich presentation based upon personal experience on how to get the most out of agents by developing personal relationships with the key staff. Dispelling myths and somewhat challenging technology, the benefits of direct contact will be demonstrated by the results.

To use this code for your FREE entry it must be your first time attending a PIN meeting. You can also pass it on to other people who might be interested.

  • Go to:
  • Click “Book using a voucher code”
  • Insert you contact details
  • Enter “belvoirluton” into voucher code box and click apply voucher button
  • Click, “Click Here to book your place now” – A email confirmation will be sent


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