Belvoir Hull What to expect from a home visits


What To Expect from Home Visits from Belvoir Hull

The reasons landlords and agents carry out home visits is to check the condition of the property externally and internally. The visits are carried out quarterly, perioically or annually depending on which Belvoir office you are with.

Here at the Belvoir Hull office we offer full management to landlords that would like the service and these visits are carried out every 3 months for the first year then every 6 months going forward. All visits are carried out at a convenient time to both the agent and the tenant and 24 hours notice is always given.

As a tenant these visits can feel quite intrusive but these visits are for the best interest of the tenant and the landlord. Sometimes repair issues can be missed and these visits can ensure that a repair that may seem small to the tenant can infact turn into a major repair and cause unneccessary damage to the property. 

Another plus side to these visits they can help build a relationship between you and the agent which inturn makes it easier for future home visits and reporting any repair issues.

Home visits only take 10-20 minutes and involves the agent taking a look around the property, the visit is not for the agent to pick fault with the you or to find reasons to not rent to you.

So just sit back and relax Belvoir Hull are here to look after you.