Top 5 tips on how to have a brilliant Christmas in your home


1. Stop stressing about making it perfect

We see the perfect Christmas in the films, where snow lays settled along the streets and the family sit by a log fire, laughing and joking as the stockings hang and thousands of perfectly wrapped gifts lay under the tree… you get the idea. Well, this idea of an absolutely perfect Christmas puts a lot of strain on our expectations, and that only ends in disappointment.


Relax, and remind yourself that Christmas doesn’t have to be perfect, it can be a great day without having to have everything single little thing faultless. However, if you want to alleviate the stress that Christmas can often bring with it, (cooking, family arrangements, cleaning etc.) then create a Christmas schedule which can help you with knowing what your tasks are and when they need to be completed by.


2. Stick to your traditions 

Stick to your traditions, and if you don’t have traditions, then why not start one? Or two?!

It could be something like opening a Christmas present a day early with the kids, where the present is always a set of brand new pyjamas to wear on Christmas Eve, or having a breakfast of smoked salmon bagels and a glass of fresh orange juice on Christmas day morning.

Traditions are important because they give us all something to look forward to, they are a constant in our lives, contributing a sense of comfort and belonging and bringing families together.


3. Go for a walk/bike ride

It’s technically not in the home, but it’s a great thing to do on Christmas day. There are so many benefits to going for a walk on Christmas Day. Too often do we get up far too early, open our presents eat our dinner and then think, right, what do we do next? Get out and go for a stroll with your friends, your partner, your kids, your dog – whoever wants to come along. You’ll feel less sluggish, refreshed and a little less guilty about all the food you’ve eaten!


Alternatively, go for a walk earlier on, while the turkey is in the oven, choose a country park or walkers trail and take in the crisp winter air to work up your appetite for your Christmas dinner. You’ll feel so much better for it!



4. Help someone out

It has been proven that one of the best ways to make yourself feel better is to help others out, and they do say Christmas is the time for giving- so this is the best time to be a good Samaritan. This doesn’t necessarily mean having to help out at a homeless shelter (although hats off to everyone that volunteers their time into doing so) an act of kindness could be as small as sending presents to someone less fortunate, or asking a neighbour or friend who may be spending Christmas alone to come to yours to join in the festivities. 


5. Candles and scents

Smell is the strongest of the senses and is best able to influence brain activity. We’ve all heard of aromatherapy, the practice of using aromas to alter our mood and wellbeing, and we all know that smelling things like freshly washed linen and freshly baked bread make us feel great and our moods are automatically enhanced.

This is the perfect time to whip out some candles that make us feel great. You can’t beat the quintessential Christmassy smell of cinnamon and apple! Yankee do a brilliant range of festive assortments such as gingerbread, pine tree and candy cane that are definitely worth a buy. Light up your candles, bang on a film and enjoy the aromas!


We want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Have a good one.


The Belvoir Mansfield Team