Carbon Monoxide Awareness!

What is Carbon Monoxide? Carbon Monoxide is a highly poisonous gas that is very difficult to detect. You may not be aware of its presence until it is too late as Carbon Monoxide has no taste, smell or colour.  Exposure to high levels of Carbon Monoxide can prove fatal and even low exposure can cause lasting damage.

Known as the Silent Killer!

According to the NHS, over 200 people are admitted to hospital every year with suspected poisoning leading to around 40 deaths each year.

The symptoms are similar to the Flu – Headaches, Nausea, General lethargy, Dizziness, Flu-like symptoms which get better when you move away from an area in the house.  Don’t ignore these warning signs and investigate.  Are the problems more prevalent in the winter when the heating is on? Is only one person affected or are all the residents suffering similarly?

Where does Carbon Monoxide come from?

Carbon Monoxide is produced when wood or fossil fuels are burnt without sufficient ventilation or air.  It often happens when appliances are badly installed or maintained.

What to do

It is imperative that you seek medical help if you or another family member or friend suspect Carbon Monoxide poisoning.  Ensure that the appliances and flues are installed safety and serviced every year.

Above all – fit a Carbon Monoxide Alarm – this could save your life.

For More Information visit

Sources: Gas Safe and COCAA and NHS

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