How can you encourage tenants to settle long-term in your rental? A report compiled by consumer psychologists claims to have the answers.
Read MoreSo let's deal with the question: Should you raise your rent in 2025? We believe all landlords should review the rent they charge every year
Read MoreThe Labour Government unveiled the Renters’ Rights Bill in September 2024. Since then, it has been through all its stages in the House of Commons.
Read MoreYield is a simple way of calculating the financial return you can make on a buy-to-let. Knowing what yield a property offers can help you decide if it’s a good investment.
Read MoreIn the last 14 years, the total value of Basingstoke property has increased by 55%, or £5.491 billion, to £15,476,207,581 (or £15.476 billion).
Read MoreAs we move into 2025, energy expenses and efficiency remain pressing concerns for landlords and tenants alike.
Read MoreIt’s easy to understand why joint tenancies are so popular with renters in the UK. Sharing a tenancy with a friend, partner or family member means you can split the bills and divide up the chores.
Read MoreFinding the perfect letting agent is your first step towards a New Year of hassle-free property management.
Read MoreSmaller household sizes are one of the reasons the Basingstoke (and the UK) property market and house prices will continue to hold up well in the medium to long term.
Read MoreHere is some advice for landlords in Basingstoke who are dealing with (and avoiding) burst pipes at a rental property.
Read MoreIt’s fair to say that developments in recent years have made things more complicated for some landlords.
Read MoreChristmas is just a few weeks away, but while emergencies are rare at a rental property, they can crop up occasionally –even on Christmas Day.
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